The expedition was planned in the beginnings of the project on 2018 when I visited for the first time the Italian High camp in El Altar, Ecuador.  I manage to take some picture of the intended rout to see what kind of problems will I encounter. The plan was to travel below glacier level in order to reach the biggest lagoon located in the other side of the high camp.  After some map research I discovered that it was going to be a lot easier and closer to travel through the glacier than through the páramo.

Problem two arrived, I did not have the skills or expertise to open a rout to a remote place navigating through crevasses so I had to find a group of guides to help me achieve the goal of reaching Tabernáculo.


Finding the team was not easy but I was lucky  to find the best mountaineers in Ecuador to guide me in the adventure.  Topo, one of the guides did some investigation and no one had climbed the peak in 15 years and only 20 people in the world have accomplished it so it was a big goal.

We left Quito at 4 am in the morning just as the lock down curfew was lifted. We arrive to Riobamba about 9am in the morning and continue our road to la bocatoma, the place where we will load the mules with our gear and travel to the high camp. The hike started at 3600m with a small trail that took you inside a valley with a river that run on the side. After 4 hours and 12km later  we arrive at one of my favorite places in Ecuador.

Andres Molestina Photography 动作冒险摄影厄瓜多尔摄影师 在厄瓜多爾買房 adventure photography andres molestina travel photography adventure